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Why List Your Products In Our Microsoft Dynamics
ISV Add-On Directory?
  • Get strong, deep backlinks from high page-rank blogs in the ERP & CRM space.

  • Post long detailed descriptions of your products and include demo videos & screenshots.

  • Easily post product reviews without making your customers log in to our site.


View the ERP Software Blog ISV Add-On Directory


View the CRM Software Blog ISV Add-On Directory


ERP Cloud Blog directory coming soon.

You have a choice of where to list your products but our sites have the history.
A combined 35,000 visitors a month to all three blogs, generating traffic and leads since 2009.

We are currently the highest ranking Directory Site for the popular search term:
"erp add on products"
Our SEO Metrics Crush the Competition
ERP Software Blog ahrefs Score
CRM Software Blog ahrefs Score
 Directory listings are good,
but the real value comes with a full membership.

With a full membership your company gets priority listing in multiple directories, you can publish unlimited content and interact with members as part of the community. 




* Premium placement at top of product category listing pages for paid members when they post at least one review on a product

StockIQ Technologies


“A Partner brought a lead to us, and when we asked how they found us they said they saw our product listed on the ERP Software Blog. This one client will cover our membership fees for the next 10 years, so there is no longer any question about adding the group blog membership to our budget.”


-Judy Van Der Linden (member since 2021)

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